>> Thursday, May 28, 2009

Welcome to my blog! I'm thrilled you have stopped by. I specialize in wedding photography and am based out of Des Moines, Iowa but can also travel to any location! Here you will find updates and thoughts about both photography and life. If you are interested in finding out about all our investment packages or other random information - check out http://www.allureweddingphotography.com/!

I hope you enjoy your visit to the Allure Blog - Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments!

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search my blog by category or date}



New Blog, New Website, New Name, New Look!!

Greetings! I have very exciting news for you...I have launched a new blog! This past month I have been in the process of changing my business name and branding to better fit my personality and style of photography. Say goodbye to Allure Photography, and hello to the new and improved Allison Marie Photography! I am really excited about this change, and hope you are too! Visit my new blog at:


and my updated website at:


Enjoy! Feel free to leave me comments of feedback on the new look! Also, if you have subscribed to my blog, be sure to update your subscription to this new web address!


MJ2Day - Day One

>> Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm home from my long, busy trip! I attended Melissa Jill's 2-day workshop in Phoenix, and from there I spent a week in Colorado Springs for my final training with the Navigators. It was a great week, but I have a ton of catching up to do!

During the first day of the workshop, Melissa Jill taught us about various shooting techniques, her favorite lighting situations, posing, shooting locations, off-camera flash, and post-processing. I loved learning from Melissa because she's so down-to-earth and doesn't hesitate from sharing her tips and tricks. When she began the sessions, she said she was going to tell us everything in her brain...and at the end of this first day, my brain was a little tired! Here are a couple highlights from the things I learned on day one:
1. Back Button Focus. I had read about this on Melissa's blog {you can find the post here}, but I'm such a visual learned that I didn't "get it" just by reading her post. But when she explained it in person, it totally clicked for me. I feel like I have so much more control over my camera's focus now, though it did take a while to get used to. It'll take me a while to feel fully confident using the back button, but I can tell I'll never want to go back!

2. Lighting techniques. Lighting is something that has always stumped me. Do I take my subject in the shade...facing the sun...with their backs to the sun using a little fill light flash...? Melissa taught us the 2 lighting situations she looks for, and if that was all I had learned, this workshop would've been totally worth it. First, the edge of a shady area. Like in the shade of a building, right at the edge of where the shade meets the sun. This provides beautiful directional light for portraits. Her favorite lighting situation is backlighting. This is where the subject is lit from behind by the sun, but the sun is partially blocked by something like a building or tree (the simplified explanation!). Then, what's really fun is moving around the subject to create some sun flare!

After our sessions, we all went to Old Town Gilbert for a mock engagement shoot of a gorgeous couple. It was so helpful to learn from watching Melissa in action! I sure can't imagine being photographed by 14 photographers, can you?! I was amazed at how laid back and natural they were! Here are some photos from the day:

I was using too long of a lens to get all of this sweet red door in the photo!
Meghan had such a great laugh!

A taste of Melissa Jill's home - it was beautiful!
Here are a couple funny things my roommate Kama and I saw on our way to the workshop. I still can't believe that truck! I would have loved to see those folks pile all that on top! Yikes! And the photo on the left - don't we all need a good reminder to not eat the billboard?! =)

Stay tuned for a recap of day two!


Already over?!

>> Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Have you ever been so tired that you can't, and don't even want, to sleep?! It's 11:48, and we will be leaving the hotel around 6 tomorrow morning! These last two days have been incredible: full of laughter, learning, note-taking, "Aha!" moments, sharing tips and tricks, getting to know cool photographers, snacking, practice shoots and much more! Melissa Jill is an amazing woman - full of talent and overflowing with personality! It's been so great to get to know her and learn from her and sad to leave her already! I will post about the things I gained from this workshop when I'm not so sleepy! We did a mock engagement shoot yesterday, and here are a couple sneak peak photos for you!



>> Sunday, May 10, 2009

These are just two of the women that have been such a blessing in my life during this year I've spent in Albuquerque. This has been a hard week of goodbye's, as this chapter of my life is about to close! These two are going to influence this world in big ways...and they are so beautiful! =)


Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day, especially to you, Mom!


the MJ 2Day!

I am SO excited about what's in store these next couple day! Melissa Jill is a brilliant wedding photographer based out of Phoenix, Arizona. I've been following her blog since last summer, and I get to attend her workshop! I am currently in the ABQ airport, on my way to the hot Phoenix! I'm so excited about learning from her and getting to know a bunch of other female photographers from around the country. As Melissa Jill said on her blog, "it's going to be a great time of business and photography learning goodness!" Does it get any better than that?!



>> Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Here are a few more from my photo shoot with Kim! Doesn't she look fabulous?! Hehe! What's not to love about you, Kim?!

Never a dull moment!

I had Jalene come with us, as she is a photography lover as well! She took some photos of Kim and I, and she did so great! It is so crazy to think that I have less than 3 weeks left to spend life with Kim here in New Mexico, so I will forever cherish these photos!
I LOVE this one!!

Me in action!

A shot taken by none other than the beautiful Kim! I love this wall!
and a final two taken by Kim...so silly!


Photo Shoot with Kimberly: a Sneak Peak!

>> Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My friend, teammate, and roommate Kimberly got a sah-weeet new PINK dress, and asked if she could get some photos taken in it. Of course! We went out yesterday, and got some great shots! It was such a joy to show them to her at the end of the day - to see her huge grin as she saw how beautiful they turned out! She said usually she has photos taken and she thinks, "seriously, that's the best you could do with me?!?" and only finds one or two that she likes. She has quite a few favorites from yesterday! Kimber, you are so beautiful. In SO many ways!

Stay tuned...more to come soon!



>> Sunday, April 19, 2009

Check out this sweet (but short!) video I created today on Animoto! David Ziser talked a lot about this company at the workshop I went to, so I thought I'd create a trial video. I love that each video I create would be totally different than any other video - and the photos automatically line up with the song. How sweet! I think I'm going to look into this further; I see tons of potential in this for creating wedding videos, and even ones for seniors, families, and business promo videos.


Digital WakeUp Call!

>> Thursday, April 16, 2009

I found this great workshop advertised in the PPA magazine, and it's going to be in Albuquerque tonight! Perfect timing! I quickly signed myself up, and I'm thrilled to go tonight! I'm excited to meet fellow Albuquerque-ian (?!) photographers, and learn great new photography and business ideas. This tour goes to 84 different states this year...check out their website! Sometime in the next few days, I'll share with you the top few things I learn tonight!


New Lens!

>> Friday, April 3, 2009

Check out my new addition!!! I have been doing a ton of research to find the perfect lens for what I need, and here's what I found! This is the Nikon Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF ED. I purchased it from Camera & Darkroom in Albuquerque, a place with exceptional customer service! I am thrilled to see what it will produce for me! I took a walk around campus with it yesterday, and this flower below is my favorite photo so far. The wide aperture does beautiful things, and it will make skin look flawless and creamy....mmmm!


Chris & Patricia

>> Sunday, March 29, 2009

I randomly met Patricia in a scrapbooking store last month, and found out that she was getting married but hadn't booked a photographer yet! It's been a joy to get to know her this past month, and so fun to celebrate with her and Chris at their wedding. It was such a fun experience because I have never been to a casual hispanic wedding like this! They had a small, short-and-sweet ceremony, followed by a reception with a potluck mexican dinner. A live country-folk band made the room erupt with energy and dancing! Thank you Chris and Patricia for the pleasure of spending this exciting day with you! Congratulations!